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The Play command allows you to listen to sound files. This command plays
IFF 8SVX format sound files, and raw data files. It will also play other
sound formats via the datatypes system of OS3.0 and higher.
A small requester will appear while the sound is playing, showing the name
and type of sound file, and the approximate playing time. To abort a sound
before it has finished playing, click the Abort button in this requester, or
click the Next button to move on to the next sound.
If you specify the QUIET option, the sound is played without displaying
the status window.
Giving the WAIT switch will ensure that any later commands will not
execute until the sample has been played.
VOLUME is a number between 0 and 64 that specifies the play volume.
The ICON switch causes the sound player to appear as an AppIcon on the
Desktop, upon which you can drop sound files to have them played.
Because of deficiencies in the OS datatypes system, Opus will sometimes not
notice when a sound being played through datatypes finishes playing. If
this is the case, you will have to click the Next or Abort button manually.
Opus 5.1 added the ability to play Soundtracker modules to the PLAY command.
We still believe that there are some very good commercial and PD/Shareware
programs (for example, the OctaMedPlayer and Delitracker) which do a much
better job, but many users wanted the ability built-in as in Opus 4. The
PLAY command will now handle some of these formats, but not all.